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Why is there something rather than nothing?

This is one of those important questions that everyone should ask, but things in this world have become so obvious that we have become so used to them.

Have you ever been in a garden, near a pond, or observed yourself? What did you notice? The trees, the fish in the pond, or how beautiful a human being is?

Now give a thought to each of the details, and you will realise something very miraculous. When you see the fish, give thought and reason to each detail. How beautiful it looks! Look at the symmetry and colour. And now just ask yourself: Can these fish be created on their own? Can these fish gain soul, consciousness, and alertness on their own? If you try to catch them, they swim away swiftly. Who has given us this sense of protectiveness? You will end up getting the answer that yes, they cannot be created by their own or by evolution; there must be a creator who has created them so perfectly and provided the purpose for these fish.

If you observe a fallen leaf, give thought to the symmetry—how perfectly it is symmetrical in dimensions. Now check the tree from where it has fallen; there are more than 1000 leaves hanging there with this perfect symmetry. Even if we try to draw 10 leaves like this, we won’t be able to achieve similar dimensions and symmetry. Indeed, these are not self-created, and there must be a creator who has created them with a defined purpose of photosynthesis and for a defined time. After its time is over, it has fallen.

Give yourself a thought!!

Now just close your eyes and give yourself a thought. Try to collect all the details you have from head to toe. What did you observe? Even in a complete novel, it would not be possible to describe yourself with all the details. Can you define the vision? can define the colours you can see with your eyes. To know how complex it is, just ask this same question to a person who is blind by birth. Can you define hearing? Can you describe how beautiful the sound of birds and nature is? Just try to ask this same question to a person who is deaf by birth, and you will know that a human being is full of miracles from head to toe. But the biggest miracle a human being has is free will. The power to do anything by using knowledge, To know how complex it is, just search on Google for how big companies are spending billions on creating computers that can self-feed with knowledge and have free will but are still not able to achieve it.

We are just ignorant. Allah says in the Holy Quran that “Indeed, we have created the human being with dust and have given the soul and free will for the prescribed time”. Nothing in this world is self-created. If you just look around your surroundings and use your knowledge with thought, you will come to know the answer to our question: “Indeed, there is something that explains why there cannot be nothing”. Allah says in the Holy Quran many times that if you just use reason and knowledge by observing your surroundings, you will get all the answers.

We have just become slaves to the worldly culture of getting jobs and paying the bills our entire lives, and even we have stopped using reason and knowledge. Just give a thought to the surroundings and, finally, to yourself every day, and you will notice in a few days the miracle happening within you. You will start loving yourself more, and you will even be able to find the purpose of your life. You will become fearless because you will realise that everyone here is here for a prescribed time and for a definite purpose. And once you start to follow your purpose and start to build your career and life around your passion and purpose, life will become so easy and lovely. So just stop wherever you are in life and just try to give some thought and knowledge to getting to know yourself and your purpose and passion.

And yes, the answer to our question is, “Indeed, there is something that explains why there cannot be nothing.”

If you still find it difficult to sort out your messy life, just drop me a message at I will definitely help you find your passion and purpose.

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